Rafael Gonzaga

Results 57 issues of Rafael Gonzaga

This commit allows throwing an exception after creating `FSReqCallback` Reference: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/44004#discussion_r930964065


Reference issue: https://github.com/nodejs/security-wg/issues/791 The tagged issue contains the initial proposal for this MVP. This Pull Request includes the foundation of the *Permission Model.* This PR is **not ready to land.**...

lib / src

### Prerequisites - [X] I have written a descriptive issue title - [X] I have searched existing issues to ensure the feature has not already been requested ### 🚀 Feature...

feature request

This PR aims to support the new feature landed in [email protected]. Shall it be based on `next` instead of master?

### Prerequisites - [X] I have written a descriptive issue title - [X] I have searched existing issues to ensure the feature has not already been requested ### 🚀 Feature...

good first issue

Reference: https://github.com/nodejs/diagnostics/issues/502 The available content in this section is not really helpful, since it just points to another namespace. What do you think? @nodejs/diagnostics

Since https://github.com/nodejs/diagnostics/issues/507. We've had no meeting in the second timezone (10.30 PM UTC) so far, which means that we are having a single meeting per month. I'd like suggest to...

This issue aims to track the remaining tutorials under [documentation](https://github.com/nodejs/diagnostics/tree/main/documentation) folder. The https://github.com/nodejs/diagnostics/issues/439 contains the documents created in the WG Deep Dive and we are working to transpose them into...

never stale