Rafael Gonzaga

Results 238 comments of Rafael Gonzaga

@nodejs/releasers We have a release target of 2022-09-20. However, the Security Release (v18.10.0) will be issued on 2022-09-22. Would be ok to postpone the regular release to at least 2...

> @RafaelGSS I think we could push it back a week, or even skip this next minor release in favor of the security release. As long as commits from main...

Try one of the approaches mentioned in https://github.com/clinicjs/node-clinic/issues/10

@mcollina Does clinicjs support worker_threads? We are missing that statement in the documentation

Could you create a reproducible code? Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example.

Thanks, @0xorial I'll look at it soon as I have time

I gave it a shot today and it seems working fine ```console rafaelgss@rafaelgss-desktop:~/repos/os/tests/mocha-clinic-test$ clinic flame -- node ./node_modules/.bin/mocha test/index.test.js To generate the report press: Ctrl + C Array #indexOf() ✔...

Could you share the script code or at least a reproducible example?

It seems not related to clinic.js itself, instead, the npm installation/your machine configs. Check if you are using a proxy or a similar bug in `npm`.

The first one would be amazing, however, each tool contains its own dependency which makes things even harder to change. For instance, the `clinic-flame` uses `0x` under the hood. I...