Results 120 comments of REJack

i use it on already on a CI 3 Project and it works i can't only set the default_controller to a module controller:smile:

please write your code lines to reproduce your problem

Nice work, I'll adapt your work in my [fork]( 😄, edmundask is no longer actively maintain this project.

I maintain not this repo sadly 😄 but i maintain my fork and adding new features to twiggy (like composer/non-composer support over config). You can look over my v1.0.0 issue...

> I did checkout your fork and apply the edits, but couldn’t for some reason check them back in to a new branch. For this you need write access on...

Acutay I don't have time to "finish" Aauth, it would be great if some CI4 users can test the v3-dev branch and give me some infos if it works like...

@natotech does it works flawless in CI4?

Yep, i want to refactor Aauth v3 for CI4. I started testing the new CI4 version today 😄

@hersag Yes I'll create a new release soon, master repo is safe to use.

CodeIgniter 4 looks & works really great. My big question about porting Aauth to CI4 is, should we create a own namespace for Magefly/Aauth or use CI4's default namespace. I...