Results 120 comments of REJack

I've tested it on various machines/OSes. I think we would need a dedicated drag-button instead of using the card header for it, that could be the fix for it, simple...

AdminLTE v4 is still in progress, we didn't added overlayScrollbars to v4 that's why it doesn't show up.

> I am planing to make development setup using gulp. > Any suggestion. for what gulp, why not webpack?

Would you implement generate demo html files with gulp too? Like jekyll

The first "pre-release" will take minimum 2months, first I need to push the fixes for the v3.1 fix release

v3 will stuck on BS4

> enabling Discussions They are enabled 🤣 > Discord would be easier? I release soon the Invite link :D I prepared one already.

Here :D, but it's still under development 🤣

> Here :D, but it's still under development 🤣 @danny007in would you Join the Discord Server too?

That's a nice idea, I'll look over it while v4.0 development.