Results 120 comments of REJack

I'll test later all the changes and publish AdminLTE v3.0.6 (you only added ESLint & StyleLint for this I wouldn't create a minor version 😃 I fixed only small stuff...

Since we only fixed one small issue and only you have reported it we could directly move on to develop v3.1 and I'll start with the first changes.

I see it like @GaryQ, I've never used it and it works only without fixed layout. I did some quick tests and it's hard to get the behavior in good...

@GaryQ Thanks 😄 what exactly you mean, as a good start you can use the starter.html it use only the required files (popper js, jquery js, bootstrap css/js, Source Sans...

@gongAll At the moment I don't have any plans to implement this, but I will look over it while I development v3.1.

I've checked the code and at the moment it's hard to implement, I'll check it again while the v4 development/rework.

You want to exclude header items? If yes, simply add `data-use-navbar-items="true"` beside the `data-widget="iframe"` like the `data-loading-screen="750"`.

That’s actually not possible, but I will add this feature to AdminLTE v4.

Thats for me the style, I like the most. But this could be adapted via a separate skin version to keep AdminLTE v4 as small as possible, not like v3...

I agree with that, but some of the selectors are intentionally as complicated as the select2 selector above, I just want to override the default select2 theme and not a...