Riccardo Casatta

Results 113 issues of Riccardo Casatta

At the moment the size of the tx is considered without the signatures, according to the input type an estimate of the size of the final tx could be guessed...

In a performance profile in a downstream project I noticed `txid()` is taking too much time even considering it's an expensive computation, in the flame graph there were calls to...

I think the only issue is deal with rand ``` cargo check --target wasm32-unknown-unknown error: the wasm*-unknown-unknown targets are not supported by default, you may need to enable the "js"...

I am testing https://github.com/ElementsProject/rust-elements/pull/188 in a downstream lib https://github.com/ElementsProject/rust-elements/blob/613204f38eeb8f4fcc767042197fd763965f057a/src/hex.rs#L33 I think the `expected, got` comment is wrong and the values used in the Display implementation are inverted. I say so...

![image](https://github.com/picocss/pico/assets/6470319/5dc21b66-4f5c-4fd3-8099-52f73a506559) ## Describe the issue ### Current Behavior As shown in the image, there isn't the red border on the right ### Expected Behavior I think there should be a...

Implement an executable taking from stdin the result of `blocks_iterator` and produce a csv compatible with https://github.com/rustyrussell/bitcoin-iterate (using same options)

untestested initial attempt for https://github.com/RCasatta/blocks_iterator/issues/84 @AdamISZ would something like this be acceptable for your use case?

Fwiw the following rather horrifying hack "works": ```rust let bin_bh: [u8; 32] = hex::FromHex::from_hex("deadbeef...").unwrap(); let mut next = BlockHash::from_raw_hash(sha256d::Hash::from_byte_array(bin_bh)); ``` (replacing the above linked definition of `next` ; of course...

By providing a Stamper trait impl with the http library already in the dep tree ### Description I didn't like to add another HTTP dep to a library that already...