Riccardo Casatta

Results 113 issues of Riccardo Casatta

automate publication of apks with a tag https://github.com/actions/upload-release-asset

such that you can show names instead of fingerprints

create-tx doesn't expose the option to specify the fee rate, and some just started nodes could not have enough data to estimate and neither the fallbackfee option

https://github.com/actions/cache https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/pull/5356

use same version when possible by searching with `cargo tree -d`

so that in case of quantum break you can prove secret key preimage

To handle "segwit bug" previous tx must be included for inputs also for segwits outputs, compression could recover some space there are some gain, in this example 24% ``` let...

like verified address or verified input tx