Riccardo Casatta

Results 113 issues of Riccardo Casatta

From crates.io the documentation link https://docs.adamniederer.com/faster/index.html is not working

After https://github.com/RCasatta/blocks_iterator/commit/86da242ba8ac34c079e6002ae6ad6f59b70b9012 the database contains data to compute the UTXO set at the height of the last run. Create a binary `bin/utxo_set.rs` dumping the utxo set in a format like...

attempt to fix #58 ``` :~/git/blocks_iterator(cfg_bench)$ RUSTFLAGS='--cfg=bench' cargo +nightly bench Compiling blocks_iterator v1.0.0 (/home/casatta/git/blocks_iterator) error[E0432]: unresolved import `sha2` --> src/lib.rs:287:9 | 287 | use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; | ^^^^ use of...

instead of feature `unstable`, like https://github.com/rust-bitcoin/rust-bitcoin/pull/1092/

Check how many txs has mixed inputs, meaning more than 1 input and at least two different script types

good first issue

Create a `ConfigBuilder` struct following the builder pattern https://rust-unofficial.github.io/patterns/patterns/creational/builder.html

good first issue

That's why I had benching as a standalone iterator step. https://github.com/dpc/block-iter/blob/40578bb5eca918e7570b8ab82370ee88cebb7a9f/libs/main/src/bench.rs#L6 so one can insert `.bench_x()` at the end of a middle of an iterator chain and get stats. Though...

only DER sig are handled Why something from rust-bitcoin can't be used?