Riccardo Casatta

Results 113 issues of Riccardo Casatta

Add a job in audit (because it's scheduled weekly) building the lib with MSRV so that dependencies broking the MSRV are possibly sooner detected

using `Vec` as args in Conf doesn't allow the caller to use String, use something allowing that (`T: Borrow, Vec`?)

Preventing using different codepaths _Originally posted by @RCasatta in https://github.com/RCasatta/bitcoind/issues/46#issuecomment-1015203717_

good first issue

see https://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-rs https://docs.rs/bitcoin-harness/0.2.0/bitcoin_harness/

Using rust tor implementation arti

For example when bitcoin core `24.0` come out, add support for it and crate version could become `24.0-x.y`

Only for bitcoind version supporting it

Create a ConfBuilder struct following the builder pattern https://rust-unofficial.github.io/patterns/patterns/creational/builder.html Consider addressing #39 first

Without dealing with external data source, it's possible to estimate the bitcoin price at past dates using the algorithm powering https://utxo.live/oracle/ Would be nice to use it to show USD...