Pyojin Kim
Pyojin Kim
Sample code of ICRA 2018 paper: "Low-Drift Visual Odometry in Structured Environments by Decoupling Rotational and Translational Motion"
Sample code of BMVC 2017 paper: "Visual Odometry with Drift-Free Rotation Estimation Using Indoor Scene Regularities"
iOS utility to save ARKit results (Visual-Inertial Odometry) to a series of text files for offline use.
Sample code and supplementary materials of IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) with ICRA 2022 paper: "Quasi-globally Optimal and Real-time Visual Compass in Manhattan Structured Environments"
Android app to save ARCore results (Visual-Inertial Odometry) to a series of text files for offline use.
Sample code of AURO 2019 & IROS 2015 papers: "Autonomous Flight with Robust Visual Odometry under Dynamic Lighting Conditions" & "Robust Visual Odometry to Irregular Illumination Changes with RGB-D ca...