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All you need for End-to-end Autonomous Driving
End-to-end Autonomous Driving
This repo is all you need for end-to-end autonomous driving research. We present awesome talks, comprehensive paper collections, benchmarks, and challenges.
Table of Contents
- At a Glance
- Learning Materials for Beginners
- Workshops and Talks
- Paper Collection
- Benchmarks and Datasets
- Competitions / Challenges
- Contributing
- License
- Citation
- Contact
At a Glance
The autonomous driving community has witnessed a rapid growth in approaches that embrace an end-to-end algorithm framework, utilizing raw sensor input to generate vehicle motion plans, instead of concentrating on individual tasks such as detection and motion prediction. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive analysis of more than 250 papers on the motivation, roadmap, methodology, challenges, and future trends in end-to-end autonomous driving. More details can be found in our survey paper.
End-to-end Autonomous Driving: Challenges and Frontiers
Li Chen1, Penghao Wu1, Kashyap Chitta2,3, Bernhard Jaeger2,3, Andreas Geiger2,3, and Hongyang Li1,4
1 Shanghai AI Lab, 2 University of Tübingen, 3 Tübingen AI Center, 4 Shanghai Jiao Tong University
If you find some useful related materials, shoot us an email or simply open a PR!
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Learning Materials for Beginners
Online Courses
- Lecture: Self-Driving Cars, Andreas Geiger, University of Tübingen, Germany
- Self-Driving Cars Specialization, University of Toronto, Coursera
- The Complete Self-Driving Car Course - Applied Deep Learning, Udemy
- Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Program, Udacity
Useful Tools
- Under construction!
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Workshops and Talks
- [CVPR 2023] Workshop on End-to-end Autonomous Driving
- [CVPR 2023] End-to-End Autonomous Driving: Perception, Prediction, Planning and Simulation
- [ICRA 2023] Scalable Autonomous Driving
- [NeurIPS 2022] Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving
- [IROS 2022] Behavior-driven Autonomous Driving in Unstructured Environments
- [ICRA 2022] Fresh Perspectives on the Future of Autonomous Driving Workshop
- [NeurIPS 2021] Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving
- [NeurIPS 2020] Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving
- [CVPR 2020] Workshop on Scalability in Autonomous Driving
Relevant talks from other workshops
- Common Misconceptions in Autonomous Driving - Andreas Geiger, Workshop on Autonomous Driving, CVPR 2023
- Learning Robust Policies for Self-Driving - Andreas Geiger, AVVision: Autonomous Vehicle Vision Workshop, ECCV 2022
- Autonomous Driving: The Way Forward - Vladlen Koltun, Workshop on AI for Autonomous Driving, ICML 2020
- Feedback in Imitation Learning: Confusion on Causality and Covariate Shift - Sanjiban Choudhury and Arun Venkatraman, Workshop on AI for Autonomous Driving, ICML 2020
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Paper Collection
We list key challenges from a wide span of candidate concerns, as well as trending methodologies. Please refer to this page for the full list, and the survey paper for detailed discussions.
- Survey
- Multi-sensor Fusion
- Language-guided Driving
- Multi-task Learning
- Attention Visualization
- Interpretable Tasks
- Cost Learning
- Linguistic Explainability
- Uncertainty Modeling
- Visual Abstraction / Representation Learning
- Policy Distillation
- Causal Confusion
- World Model & Model-based RL
- Long-tailed Distribution
- Covariate Shift
- Domain Adaptation
- Affordance Learning
- Transformer
- V2V Cooperative
- Distributed RL
Data-driven Simulation
- Parameter Initialization
- Traffic Simulation
- Sensor Simulation
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Benchmarks and Datasets
- Leaderboard (inactive after the CVPR 2023 challege)
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Competitions / Challenges
- nuPlan planning, Workshop on End-to-end Autonomous Driving, CVPR 2023
- CARLA Autonomous Driving Challenge 2022, Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving, NeurIPS 2022
- CARLA Autonomous Driving Challenge 2021, Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving, NeurIPS 2021
- CARLA Autonomous Driving Challenge 2020, Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving, NeurIPS 2020
- Learn-to-Race Autonomous Racing Virtual Challenge, 2022
- INDY Autonomous Challenge
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Thank you for all your contributions. Please make sure to read the contributing guide before you make a pull request.
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End-to-end Autonomous Driving is released under the MIT license.
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If you find this project useful in your research, please consider citing:
title={End-to-end Autonomous Driving: Challenges and Frontiers},
author={Chen, Li and Wu, Penghao and Chitta, Kashyap and Jaeger, Bernhard and Geiger, Andreas and Li, Hongyang},
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Primary contact: [email protected]
. You can also contact: [email protected]
Join Slack to chat with the commuty! Slack channel: #e2ead
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