Olivier Cavadenti

Results 28 comments of Olivier Cavadenti

Hi. This Issue can be closed, PR is done :D.

> @kibertoad I see some tests are failing, but the failures don't make sense to me - There are some connection refused errors and errors in tests that don't really...

> @OlivierCavadenti What do you think about conversion of knex to TS for 3.0? Yeah sure its a good candidate, i can take a look of this issue after that

Still one test that fail, I don't know why (seems count order change...) @kibertoad ``` 1) Integration Tests postgresql | pg Aggregate support the groupBy function: AssertionError: expected [ {...

I test with you whereRaw expression and my unit test pass: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10152806/172049289-7e6d565f-c3d7-46eb-932e-65caa0decd41.png) What is the value of "bar" ?

I will build some integration tests to investigate

> I’ll take a look at rebasing tonight. ok ! feel free to ping me if you need any help.

> @OlivierCavadenti Any chance you could pick this up? Yes, I will pick this one tomorrow

I have checked, but I need to recode this because a lot of code have changed since...