- [ ] !!! Check added to CountryStorageSet methods!! For statistics - [ ] Where artisans should get food with Natural Economy? Shouldn't be artisans in NE - [ ]...
Workers should decide where to work? (for better benefits failure checks). Use personal (worker) check for benefits payment failure instead od country-scope check. That would prevent some employment spikes.
Actually it's not a bug, if Artisan is so rich let it be that way. Capitalists will come from other sources. But should promotion mechanic be changed?
I try to reduce amount of classes due to performance reason. Currently farmers are some sort of landowners. But in reality rural guys not always had own land, most of...
One reason is - money stucks in banks/rich pops. Pops can't spent money because of buying order.
Buy products from cheapest market in neighbor (or in world?). Take in mind tariffs. Recalculate prices correctly. Or, with transportation costs, buy from nearest producer with lowest price, including roads...
- [x] get back subsidies for factories - [ ] Add Seller class around Producer? - [x] Get back MultiSeller. soldByGovernment - [x] get back reform.getWage() & getSubsidiesRate() - [...
Actually they got food from nowhere?
Mobilization now is broken a little now. I'm going to make more strict accounting for who is mobilized, may be improving performance in process. I think about reducing province population...
Generally it needed for performance issue: currently pops own shares in dozen enterprises, enterprises have dozens (may be hundred) owners. Plus that would be more realistic, that JSC would have...