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There are known bugs with coroutines in MSVC with optimizations enabled. Unfortunately I couldn't reproduce them in a way that I can give a sample project to MS. If you...

See this: You should try again when 16.4 will be released to AppVeyor.

You can try [/experimental:newLambdaProcessor](

VS 2019 16.5 fixed issues with generators and lambda. We have encountered them in our project too, but now we don’t see any issue. Please try the latest version.

VS 2019 16.5 fixed issues with generators and lambda. We have encountered them in our project too, but now we don’t see any issue. Please try the latest version. #

> D:\work\externals\cppcoro\lib\cancellation_state.cpp(82): warning C4996: 'std::atomic_init': warning STL4028: std::atomic_init() overloads are deprecated in C++20. The constructors of std::atomic provide equivalent functionality. You can define _SILENCE_CXX20_ATOMIC_INIT_DEPRECATION_WARNING or _SILENCE_ALL_CXX20_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to acknowledge that you...

Can you try with 16.6 preview ? It might be a MSVC coroutine bug.

@joemmett Can you share more information how it is reproduced ? We are using corourines heavily and would like to know if there are issues. Thanks.

You can use ts-essentials package which has these definitions.