Results 153 comments of NN

It doesn’t solve. In order to solve you need to change the code.

ReSharper extensiosn [ReCommended Extension]( and [AsyncConverter]( suggesting to remove async/await. This is indeed changes the stack trace but it is still a useful analysis.

@oriadam In websites with deep tree native closest much times faster than jQuery. You can see it in gmail for example. Just try in dev console: ```js // 50 e=document.querySelector('#\\3a...

My real problem is IE which works significantly slower than Chrome and doesn't support any native optimization :)

@igor-tkachev @andrewvk What do you think? I know it is a breaking change but it makes writing code a little bit harder. Or we just leave it as it ?

Seems like VSColorOutput needs two different color themes for light and for dark modes.

What additional information is needed?

I would like to ignore several files for clang format based on rules.

I would like to put it as part of repository. Is it possible ?