Results 153 comments of NN

@technic I see that I was not clear in the original request. This approach does calculates the padding but it doesn't say where the padding is. For instance given ```cpp...

Yeah, it seems like .NET 3.5 and below cannot use records. Simple record produces the code calling `[System.Private.CoreLib]System.Type::op_Equality` ```cs .method public hidebysig newslot virtual instance bool Equals ( class...

Maybe there is some hack we can do ?:)

Dependencies: 1. System.Number 2. BitConverter.SingleToInt32Bits, BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle 3. float.SignMask, float.SignShift, float.ExponentMask, float.ExponentShift, float.SignificandMask, also for double

I do not see version in NuGet Probably it is unlisted and can be used.

> Probably you just need to update System.ValueTuple 4.3.0 to 4.5.0 in Theraot.Core to resolve this Or downgrade to Therapy should use the lowest versions possible in order to...

It could be possible to downgrade the required package version in Vanara. However the support for .NET 4.0 has been removed. If this is important to you to have .NET...

@OwnageIsMagic The fix is merged into Vanara library. You just need to build a version for you with .NET 4.0 target.

Seems like you have inevitable conflict. You can ask authors of other packages to lower version if this is possible at all. It can happen with any package. NuGet is...