Results 153 comments of NN

Oh sorry. It is there, I just didn't notice this one. Thanks !

No error message Just creates empty output file. Running in Windows. The vcf is taken from old Nokia phone:)

I’ll put a VCF here later

@KBSchmidt This is exactly what I did ! :) It would be nicer to have an offline solution without sending all your contacts to Google.

Of course it is. Check this:

Can you give an example of this feature ?

Interesting feature, but actually I don't see how this is useful. You can implement it if you really need.

I think these are different issues and should be split. For the test5 I created a separate issue. #13297

Implementing .NET Core backend is possible but requires a big project redesign. There is an ancient branch for CCI but work never finished. It seems like a better solution... You can try running Portability Analyzer for .NET Core 3.0 and tell what is missing. Perhaps nothing is missing and then it will be not hard to make it...