Nitish Anand
Nitish Anand
@bigfooted, Thanks for your comment. I tried but it was not reflected. I see that during the merge with develop the submodule commit keys got updated. Any clues how I...
All tests are now passing, except CodeFactor. But I guess that was there even before I implemented anything. @bigfooted : Thanks for your commit.
@lucaabergo Currently I only see the config options in the PR, I guess the source code of implementation is coming later? Or are you planning to interact with an external...
@MakisH I will have a look and evaluate the code a bit. I will let you know accordingly if I can be helpful. Thanks!
Good job @EvertBunschoten. If you want we can schedule a call together and plan the development a bit.
Yes, I plan to invest some time here and there to finish this, but, not everything here falls under my expertise. I am currently making CPBIncEulerVariable to inherit CFlowVariable (instead...
Test cases added,
@bigfooted : I fixed the CFlowVariable thing. Many CPBIncEulerVariables are now commented out. CPBIncEulerSolver has the same behaviour as before now, however, PBIncNVSolver is crashing due to the initialization of...
NSSolver Vorticity error fixed. RANS Solver starts without crashing, results yet to be benchmarked.