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[WIP] Implementation of RBF mesh deformation method
Proposed Changes
I have been implementing for SU2 the radial basis function mesh deformation method with the selection of the control points using a greedy algorithm and a volume reduction technique to reduce the computational cost. The method can be used inside the shape optimization framework when calling SU2_DEF, keeping the standard ELA differentiated by codipack for the mesh sensitivity. References: Abergo, Luca, Myles Morelli, and Alberto Guardone. "Aerodynamic Shape Optimization Based on Discrete Adjoint and RBF." Journal of Computational Physics (2023): 111951.
M. Morelli, T. Bellosta, A. Guardone, Efficient radial basis function mesh deformation methods for aircraft icing, J. Comput. Appl. Math. (2021) 113492,
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- [ ] I am submitting my contribution to the develop branch.
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- [ ] I have updated appropriate documentation (Tutorials, Docs Page, config_template.cpp), if necessary.
@lucaabergo Currently I only see the config options in the PR, I guess the source code of implementation is coming later? Or are you planning to interact with an external code?
Hi, @lucaabergo is there any update? This sound interesting as I am currently working on morphing camber simulations.
@tbellosta may you have a contact with @lucaabergo? If he has no time, I can pull the implementation to the current version. Some fork/branch as you directed me for the rotor controls case would be nice.
A PR was just opened that seems to contain more progress on this topic.
I'll prune this branch if there are no updates