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Results 90 Multiverse-Inventories issues
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Hi! I have an issue where player inventories gets cleared once they leave MobArena. I opened a ticket on their page and this is their response. @garbagemule: The issue is...

Bug: Unconfirmed

A way to prevent players from getting advancements in certain worlds would be really nice.

Resolution: Accepted
Type: Idea

Sometimes tranlsation before dulipcate as shown... also added missing translation keys in the default en.yml file. ![](

PR: Bugfix
State: Needs Review By Dev

Fixes #419. There is a possibility that users want to create groups just before creating them. Now, you can do that by running `/mvinv addworld worldname groupname --ignore-exist`. Likewise for...

PR: Enhancement
State: Needs Review By Dev

Player's re-spawn on death to a bed/respawn anchor that was broken; If another player breaks your bed/anchor while you are out of world, you will still respawn to that location...

I like a lot this plugin but sometimes items go to one slot that has already an item and the item that was there goes to my inventory. I have...

**Problem** I have installed a plugin that broke all other worlds by erasing all inventory data making it all empty. Now after backing up it won't restore. **What I have...

Type: Assistance

It seems that when a player changes their name their inventories data is not being properly migrated. In addition to making this work, some improvements would be needed. We need...

Bug: Confirmed
Resolution: Accepted

### Feature request **Feature description** Hi there¨s probem with multiverse inventories... when I wanted to use PlayerWorldsPRO and multiverse inventories... I cannot add non existing worlds into group... but when...

Resolution: Accepted
Type: Idea

While looking into the issue of altered max health causing issues, (#415) I realised we should actually have a max health sharable to better facility the change in max health...

PR: Enhancement
State: Needs Review By Dev