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Multiverse-Inventories copied to clipboard

Results 90 Multiverse-Inventories issues
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Last location causing bugs with teleporting between worlds and nether (no multiverse nether installed). I went to the nether in world, then teleported to builder, and it teleported me to...

Fixes #494 Players that are disallowed from the server is still processed in `AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent`. Note that for some reason getLoginResult() is still Result.ALLOWED as server/plugin whitelisting and banning may be...

The whitelist is enabled on my server, but players blocked by the whitelist will generate files in the `/plugins/Multiverse-Inventories/players` directory I have tried the whitelist plugin and the built-in whitelist...

Type: Assistance

### Information * **Server version:** * **Full output of `/mv version -p`:** * **Server log:** ### Details I was able to reproduce my issue on an unfreshly setup and up-to-date...

Bug: Unconfirmed

Add support for PerWorldInventory data import! Fixes #410. Will need #432 to be merged first.

PR: Enhancement
State: Needs Review By Dev

This PR adds Advancements, Game Stats, and Recipes Sharables, and thus closes #340. It's not fully complete yet, as there remains one minor issue: when switching groups, Advancements are announced...

PR: Enhancement

This PR reworks Multiverse-Inventories commands to complement the changes from Multiverse/Multiverse-Core#2514. ## Some things to note: * Remove reload command as its already done with `/mv reload` * Fix unit...

PR: Enhancement
State: Needs Review By Dev

This PR implements the idea I had in #450. I tested it quickly and it seemed to work. I haven't done any extensive tests, but our unit tests didn't fail......

### Information * **Server version:** N/A * **Full output of `/mv version -p`:** N/A * **Server log:** N/A ### Details I was **`able`** to reproduce my issue on a freshly...

Bug: Confirmed
Resolution: Accepted

### Feature request **Feature description** The ability to clear a player's inventories / files with a simple command. **How the feature is useful** As it is today, we have to...

Type: Idea