Multiverse-Inventories copied to clipboard
Per world group advancements
A way to prevent players from getting advancements in certain worlds would be really nice.
I need this feature too. Separating advancements ( and also statisitcs) is important when a server has both creative worlds and survival worlds. Since getting advancements in creative mode is much more easily, if all worlds share them, they will be worthless in survival worlds.
@SupppRabit I've made a skript that revokes the advancement when the player gets them in the creative mode.
To avoid loops (grant -> revoke ->grant -> revoke and so on), the advancement is revoked when the player leaves the creative world.
Be aware that this code looks for the player name, as my server is in off-line mode. If you use on-line mode, you need to use player's UUID
on PlayerAdvancementDoneEvent:
set {_p} to event.getPlayer()
if {_p}.getWorld() = "Creative":
set {_adv} to event.getAdvancement()
set {_name} to {_adv}.getKey()
set {revokeadvancement::%{_p}%} to true
add {_name} to {revokeadvancement::%{_p}%::*}
on player world change:
if world is "world", "world_nether" or "world_the_end":
loop {revokeadvancement::%player%::*}:
execute console command "/advancement revoke %player% only %{revokeadvancement::%player%::%loop-index%}%"
delete {revokeadvancement::%player%::*}
You need skript and skript mirror.
so how do I separate Advancements between Groups? I've tried /mvinvadds advancements survival
and it doesn't work...
So I have to use that specific version of multiverse-inventories? Not the official one?
Want to revive this because this just makes sense. Achievement messages bring community together as players use them as conversation starters or simply a reason to congratulate each other on their progress. I just had the realization (which lead to the finding of this issue) that the addition of my server's creative world will no doubt dilute the meaning behind achievements.
Want to revive this because this just makes sense. Achievement messages bring community together as players use them as conversation starters or simply a reason to congratulate each other on their progress. I just had the realization (which lead to the finding of this issue) that the addition of my server's creative world will no doubt dilute the meaning behind achievements.
You can use /mvrule announceAdvancements false
in your Creative World, but the ideal solution would be to be able to disable advancements per world as suggested by OP