Results 15 issues of MrOCW

Hi, How can I set the learning rate curve to use Epochs as x axis instead of iterations?

Hi everyone, I have a pre built 2D map and I'd like to use it for autonomous navigation on a custom robot that I built with an Arduino Nano and...

Hi everyone, apologies if this is a stupid question. I am quite new to robotics and trying to pick it up on my own. Just wondering how does ORB SLAM...

Hi, I have a Ouster1-32 lidar mounted 45 degrees facing northwest whereas my IMU (MTi630 R) is facing north. ![image]( Will this set up still work with LIO-SAM? If so,...


Hi @wh200720041, I changed the src code to publish the odometry msg from odom->base_link and cancelled the TF publishing as I am using EKF. the orientation of the odometry is...

## Bug report **Required Info:** - Operating System: - Ubuntu 22.04 docker container - ROS2 Version: - Humble - Version or commit hash: 1.1.0-2jammy.20220621.010619 - DDS implementation: - CycloneDDS ####...

## Bug report **Required Info:** - Operating System: - Jetpack 4.6.1 (Ubuntu 18.04) running Ubuntu 22.04 docker container - ROS2 Version: - Humble binaries - Version or commit hash: -...

Hi @jetsonhacks , I am trying to use this repo to build OpenCV in a docker build. However, I am getting this in the command line File cuda_gl_interop.h is read-only;...

Hi, I am attempting to connect using a D435i camera but i get this error when i roslaunch tx2_fcnn_node cnn_only.launch I am using a Jetson Xavier NX though. Could that...

Hi, are there plans to calculate the covariance matrices for the pose output? Would be really helpful for fusing the output with other sensors. Thanks!
