
Results 119 comments of Marcono1234

Could you please provide the Git repository URL you used (and the commit SHA), as well as the JDK boot version and any other custom settings you used?

> uname -r will not be compiled if it is 4.x or 5.x Hmm, I am running with WSL2 kernel `5.4.72-microsoft-standard-WSL2` and it seems to work without any issues. The...

> After I compile and create jdk16 database with ubuntu, I move the database to windows for query, codeql will report that the version is different, please use the latest...

Ah you are using the workspace. You might have to update the `ql` Git submodule of that workspace by running: ``` git submodule update --remote --merge ``` This will...

> placed under release Do you mean for example `databases/16/codeql-jdk-java-db-java/...`, including the version number, here `16`, as directory?

The question is how the script should obtain this version number. Since it only has the Git repository URI, and that could in theory point anywhere, not necessarily the OpenJDK...

Do you think an alternative would be to include the abbreviated Git SHA in the database file name, e.g. `codeql-jdk-java-db-7dcedb672`? I also thought about including the [`git describe`]( output. That...

> My idea is to create some standard JDK version compilation files, such as codeql Java build jdk8 Linux, codeql Java build jdk8 windows, etc. Building the JDK for Windows...

> how to create a script to scan *.jar or *.war, *.class or is there a way to do it? I don't think this is possible. CodeQL databases are created...

> Maybe on start it could just pull updates directly from the official repos themselves rather than hosting a zip. That should be exactly what Git submodules are for, they...