
Results 183 issues of Marcono1234

It looks the Java code in the article (respectively [this directory of the repository]( might be flawed: - The name of the parameter `int threads` is misleading. The code...


As pointed out in #3 it might be useful to allow building the JDK for Windows as well. Some JDK Java source files are OS specific; the current Linux build...


### Description Often users want images to be displayed on a separate line. They then add a _single_ line break and then the image reference, e.g.: ```md some text [My...

new rule

Adds a puzzler for the `shl` bitwise operator, exploiting the fact that, like Java's bitwise operators, only the lowest 5 bits of the shift distance are considered.

Add puzzlers for the counterintuitive behavior of `ConcurrentHashMap` and `Hashtable` (respectively its subclass `Properties`) `contains(Object)` which checks if a **value** is contained. - Puzzler 1 is about the conflict with...

Adds a puzzler for a call to `joinToString` where by accident a _transform_ function was provided instead of a _separator_. Not sure if this is a good puzzler, feedback is...

Currently Krakatau and enjarify are included as ZIP files (multiple times). It might be better to use [Git submodules]( instead. This would have the following advantages: - It is clearer...


# CFR version 3953d88c7f784eea0348f5035673dab8743a67f7 # Description The method `ConditionalRewriter.considerAsTrivialIf` always returns `false`: This makes it look like there is a bug in the logic and one of the `return`...


Previously no varargs parameter annotations were dumped. This can be seen with the following test source (feel free to add it to the tests): ```java import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;...