Manish Goregaokar

Results 596 comments of Manish Goregaokar

Given that we're holding off on Zolaification, is there a strong reason to switch to Tera? If it simplifies things I'm all for it though.

Seems okay to me, then.

Oh, this is on the blog repo, I didn't realize :)

Yeah, I think internals does function as this kind of scratch space, which the teams can pay attention to (but essentially ignore threads that are going off into weird territory).

Update: > Existing repositories are not impacted by this change. Later this year, you'll be able to rename the default branch for existing repositories for your user, organization, or...

Current plan: New repos on rust-lang should `main` (already done). Tooling is coming in a few months, we should wait for that for old repos. Action item: Write an email...

Paused until we have further updates from GitHub.

It's been brought up again on internals, probably should give a green light or something

Update from triage: Ashley's concerns mostly apply if this RFC is going to establish editions in general rather than specifically 2021, Niko to tweak the RFC to be 2021-specific and...