Maik Klein

Results 87 comments of Maik Klein

I've not seen this before. Did you make sure to install git lfs? It seems like that may have failed here. Otherwise try to clone again?

> So far, for adding to an existing project, I've copied over the RustPlugin to my Plugins directory, Correct > and the .dll into Binaries, but I'm not sure where...

I should add some docs for it ``` cargo watch -i "example/*" -s "cargo build --release && cp target/release/slash_example.dll example/Slash/Binaries/rustplugin.dll" ``` This is currently what I use for my next...

Sorry for the late reply. I temporarily suppressed the warning, but the function is also a bit misnamed. I think I will expose an iterator over the bitfields and remove...

I have thought about that problem before and I am not sure what the best approach would be. I probably could add an option to allow duplicates. Alternatively `INDICATOR_NORMAL` can...

>Ideally, I would like to specify which parts of a bitfield can be orred together. In my case is doesn't make sense. INDICATOR_IDENTIFY can't be orred with an other INDICATOR_,...

Thanks I didn't know that there were large runners for github. I'll give it a shot. I was also looking into other solutions like but that's definitely a bit...