Maik Klein

Results 87 comments of Maik Klein

- [x] [`rust` Static variables are not exported in wasm](

- [ ] [`imgui` HiDpiMode::Default does not use the DPI factor from winit](

This is expected because the examples don't implement swapchain resizing. #190

Thanks, I wasn't aware of this. Seems like we generated `max_image_dimension1d` in the past, but it should be `max_image_dimension_1d`.

I don't fully understand the purpose of this. We can already use `read_spirv` with include_bytes to load shaders. This implementation copies to the stack which is not great.

> This can be used in a const context, which should not copy at all. Then it will do the stack allocation in a const context, which is probably also...

> I have to look at the docs to make sure I am aware about every single field. It would be cool if the compiler helped me with this somehow...

We have a PR that make some handles optional but it is blocked on Meanwhile you can also just pass `vk::PipelineCache::null()`.

> It would be nice to be able to opt in to them at least, maybe through a cfg I mentioned this here under feature flags

That seems reasonable, I am also leaning more towards custom success enums. Alternatively I think I could also just keep it as it currently is, but return all success error...