Maik Klein

Results 87 comments of Maik Klein

This is only called from within Rust so never crosses the FFI barrier and is caught by the rust runtime. But I am not sure if this is already UB...

I can definitely see the benefit for this but I doubt that the performance benefits are noticeable at all. Although this should be relatively simple to add and can possible...

Any idea how we should change the signature of `get_query_pool_results`? I assume we would have to fall back `&mut [u8]` + stride?

Yes this is something I have been considering for a while and will most likely change with #344

> Would it be ok if I made this change manually in a PR for now? Assuming the generator rewrite will take a while. That would be nice > You...

I didn't think that I would see a use case for `NonZero` so quickly, what a nice zero cost abstraction. I like this PR. Initially I was worried about the...

I generally like it, although it leaves a sour taste in my mouth that it depends on the correctness of the vk.xml. We should be fine as long as khronos...

Also while we are at it Should the handles be `NonZeroU64`? I don't fully understand the implications, I assume it might be less than 64bits on some architectures.

To me it seems as if it were u64 on 32bit platforms and otherwise it would be a ptr / usize. I just tested it, ``` #include #include int main()...