Maik Klein

Results 87 comments of Maik Klein

Found it in the spec > Non-dispatchable handle types are a 64-bit integer type whose meaning is implementation-dependent, and may encode object information directly in the handle rather than acting...

Forget what I said above. Everything is fine, I just thought you defined non dispatchable handles as usize.

I'd rather wait until the Khronos PR is merged before I accept it, unless you are sure that it will be merged. I wouldn't want to maintain a separate vk.xml...

> In general we've resisted additions that are only for external toolchains, mostly based on the fact that if we haven't got anything relying on it, it won't get tested...

Yes that makes sense, also extension names need to be changed anyway because they really should reuse the generated extensions names from the `` file. I am sorry for blocking...

I am not too happy with `Align` myself. I wrote it an eternity ago as dynamic uniform buffers are a bit special. I am a bit hesitant about removing it...

Can you describe the problem a bit more? What is confusing? What is the problem with `[patch.crates-io]`? Right now the version of and master are always the same.

To be honest I'd rather update breaking changes right before I publish them. But what I wanted to do for a long time now is to maintain git tags for...

Should be possible. The main reason is that it is not trivial to derive things when you don't have type information and I just haven't put in the work.

- [x] [`anyhow` Is it possible to go back to an `Box`? ](