Maik Klein

Results 87 comments of Maik Klein

I think `Result` is not the most consistent choice for ash. What do you think about this? ``` pub unsafe fn acquire_next_image_khr( &self, swapchain: vk::SwapchainKHR, timeout: u64, semaphore: vk::Semaphore, fence:...

@msiglreith I am fine with experimental extensions. They would have to live inside the extension itself because is generated. I think we should create a new module `extensions::experimental::amd::Foo`. Semver...

I haven't looked at no_std at all yet. `ash` also fetches all the function pointers at runtime, is that a problem for embedded devices?

Which "embedded devices" do you want to run vulkan on?

Maybe related


Thanks, I'll investigate but subsystems do sound like what I was looking for.

You might need to check this I think on mac its actually "dylib" and not "so" for dynamic libraries. Other than that it "should" work. I assume unreal will...