
Results 11 issues of Mahan

Hi Florian, I'm using the following codes to obtain the final model summary and I have some troubles as my target variable is binary. Can you suggest how I can...

I have a list of SNP rs ids (>1M) for which I would like to find the CHR & POS information. Can you please suggest a suitable tutorial or Jupyter...

When I run MTAG I see logs about duplicate rs numbers and variants that are not SNPs being filtered. I would like to know how does MTAG handle these?

I'm trying to run MTAG with default options and I'm getting following error: Could not open /usr/local/bin/ld_ref_panel/eur_w_ld_chr/1.l2.ldscore[./gz/bz2] How can I address this issue? TIA

How can I address the following error? File "", line 1546, in raise RuntimeError("Due to bugs in the beta-se code, this option has been temporarily removed from the MTAG software....

I have 3 summary stats out of which two of them do not have EAF & sample size columns. I would like to know how I proceed further to use...

Do you have tutorial to work with high dimensional data like SNP data?

I'm trying to perform the meta-analysis of two GWAS studies and I would like to correct for the overlapped samples. Could you please share an example code with OVERLAP ON?

Hello, I'm trying to run MTAG with beta and SE, using the instructions from here: **Note: If both the effect sizes and the standard errors are present in the input...