Leon Kiefer

Results 69 issues of Leon Kiefer

### Proposed change Allow configuration of `clickhouse-operator` pod template parameter such as nodeSelector, affinity, tolerations, topologySpreadConstraints etc. ### Alternative options clickhouse-operator can not be scheduled because it does not have...


Integrating Posthog in Kotlin multiplatform projects currently requires integrating the android and ios libraries separatly. With a multiplatform library the code for android and ios must not be duplicated and...


React native is currently working on creating an official [react-native-gradle-plugin](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/tree/main/packages/react-native-gradle-plugin) and also published a proposal https://github.com/react-native-community/discussions-and-proposals/issues/273. So please share your thought and ideas for the official react-native-gradle-plugin.

The configuration option for ignored modules is called `ignoreModules` not `ignoredModules`.

Currently relative paths to local models are resolved relative to the triton server process. However when deploying models to a central model registry one may not know in advance where...

If CodeBlock is added to other CodeBlock via `%L` template parameter, `toString()` is used on the first CodeBlock and then added to second CodeBlock, this makes it impossible for the...

When the return type is explicitly set to void it should also be set in the generated code explicitly to void. When enabling strict type checking in typescript compiler with...

The typescript builder checks names for keywords, but it uses a list of koltin keywords instead of a list of typescript keywords: https://github.com/outfoxx/typescriptpoet/blob/62d7d4b276b6039bd04729ddb135a9428e61b03e/src/main/java/io/outfoxx/typescriptpoet/Utils.kt#L158-L188 The list is missing they keyword `enum`...

in the [travis doc](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/docker/), it is stated to add this to the .travis.yml: ``` sudo: required services: - docker ``` But in this example it is not in the .travis.yml...