Leon Kiefer

Results 69 issues of Leon Kiefer

Currently local a podspec can only be included using the `--local-sources` option which is a directory that may contain multiple podspec files for multiple pod dependencies. This option is used...

The Arduino Core API defines a very low level USB api in [api/USBAPI.h](https://github.com/arduino/ArduinoCore-API/blob/master/api/USBAPI.h). This API is implemented by the avr core in [cores/arduino/USBCore.cpp](https://github.com/arduino/ArduinoCore-avr/blob/master/cores/arduino/USBCore.cpp). But it is not implemented by samd...

When using the `jekyll-seo-tag` plugin you can specify an author object in the `_config.yml`: ```yml author: name: Leon Kiefer twitter: Legion2Leon ``` This theme does not render the author information...

Make it possible to drag Markers on the progress bar and update the time value. With this feature it is possible to interactively create new markers directly on the progress...

The following appears in the logs when starting the teamspeak server with docker: ``` Warning - name 'query_ip_whitelist' from file /var/run/ts3server/ts3server.ini is deprecated (but understood), please use the new name...

Please create GitHub Releases again, so people can use the GitHub watch Release only feature to get notified about updates of this docker image.

In general HEAD, GET, OPTIONS, and PUT requests have no side effects and are therefore safe to retry. However, POST requests implement by definition side effects and retrying them can...

Is it possible to use Compose Multiplatform UI in Flutter?


I want to create custom animations and I can not store all frames in canvases, because the animations are dynamic and cannot be precomputed and stored or have to many...