Leon Kiefer

Results 69 issues of Leon Kiefer

As a User I want to change the port and bind address so that I can prevent conflicts with other applications and can access the service over the network. Note:...


This is an official Action from GitHub but still it is not clear who is in charge of maintaining this Action. Since the last release in February there has been...

### Describe the bug We have a scroll list and want to press a specific kind of element in that list. The list contains elements of different kinds, each kind...

type: bug 🐞
📌 pinned
platform: android
status: triage

### Describe the bug I updated to flux 0.26.1 and then observed an reconciliation error in a deployment. I deleted the deployment and now there is a problem with the...

# Bug Report ## Description Making a request (for example a download) with `.suspendable().await()` and then canceling the coroutine does not cancel the download request if the download has been...

## What version of Knative? > 1.3.2 ## Expected Behavior When a pod is deleted, queue-proxy should drain the connections and then exit, and after that the user container should...


/kind feature **Describe the solution you'd like** The KServe [Predict Protocol - Version 2](https://kserve.github.io/website/0.9/modelserving/inference_api/) optionally supports model versions. Nvidia Triton Server already supports these versions in the api, however when...


Version 1.11.5 changed the generated script templates. Now the working dir is set by these scripts to one relative to the runtime. This makes it impossible for the java program...

Mongoose supports [optimistic concurrency](https://mongoosejs.com/docs/guide.html#optimisticConcurrency), which means documents can concurrently be accessed and modified, but are checked for conflicts on write operations. This is required to prevent lost updates when multiple...

help wanted

The [8GB variant](https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/8gb-raspberry-pi-4-on-sale-now-at-75/) also uses a 32-bit Kernel which can address all 8GB but allow the userspace applications to use up to 3GB per process. Are there any changes required...