Kudo Chien

Results 52 issues of Kudo Chien

That is a known issue in [iOS UIScrollView](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26274026/enable-zooming-in-a-uiscrollview-with-paging-enabled-and-scrolling-enabled) Common solution as the answer is to use nested ScrollView. Unfortunately, it will cause another issue as [react-native #41](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/41) ``` Warning: ScrollView...


Currently react and react-dom specified as dependencies in package.json. If user use next React version, e.g. React v16, there will have some unexpected dependencies in node_modules. Here to propose move...

type: discussion

## Summary: Though the `ReactHost.destroy()` is not being used from OSS code, we use it at Expo for expo-dev-client to change loading apps from different dev servers. Without cleanup the...

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p: Expo
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hi there! we came across a crash issue from detox and in the call https://github.com/wix/DetoxSync/blob/962b297bf77f4c98decac40a2daa7b90394abe54/DetoxSync/DetoxSync/Spies/CAAnimation%2BDTXSpy.m#L30 this function is called after `[UIViewPropertyAnimator stopAnimation:]` but ios passing `NSNull` as the `(CAAnimation *)anim`...

08dc150 is good if we would like to customise all the logic of backButton. However, there are some good part of internal logics, e.g. https://github.com/exponentjs/ex-navigator/blob/master/ExRouteRenderer.js#L94-L113. This change proposes a way...

## Summary: I was tried to fix breaking changes for Expo's React Native nightlies CI testing. Recently React Native core has some effort to migrate Java code to Kotlin. Since...

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p: Expo
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# Why fix https dev server support for dev-launcher on android # How - the loader will check if dev-server packager is running but the checker has [hardcoded http](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/958f8e2bb55ba3a2ace9507a48a582f546dd3ec2/packages/react-native/ReactAndroid/src/main/java/com/facebook/react/devsupport/PackagerStatusCheck.java#L30) -...

bot: passed checks
bot: fingerprint changed

## Summary: Add synchronous JS bindings installation for TurboModules. That would help some 3rd party JSI based modules to install JS bindings easier. Re-create from #43110 but for iOS ##...

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# Why i've heard different feedback that they would like to ignore fingerprinting `version` from app.json. in their workflow they would bump version in app.json for simply for updates. references:...

bot: passed checks
bot: fingerprint compatible

## Summary: Add synchronous JS bindings installation for TurboModules. That would help some 3rd party JSI based modules to install JS bindings easier. #44486 for Android ## Changelog: [Android] [ADDED]...

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p: Expo
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