Kudo Chien

Results 52 issues of Kudo Chien

Hi, iOS-Build-Kit is nice especially for the decorated icons feature. However, original design of the usage is to add decorated icons in project plist. To fulfill both these cases, the...

# Why fix https://github.com/expo/expo/pull/18330#issuecomment-1208645614 # How when executed from package.json `scripts`, the *node* from `command -v node` is actually a wrapper to temp file, e.g. */var/folders/yw/6bx918xn4671rggfcdxz7fph0000gn/T/yarn--1660058355887-0.20052152174853344/node* ``` #!/bin/sh exec "/Users/kudo/.volta/tools/image/node/16.16.0/bin/node"...

bot: passed checks

# Why on sdk 46, the new architecture mode has a couple errors. # How - FabricUIManager is not correctly initialized - we return the JSI modules from `ReactNativeHostWrapper`. that...

bot: passed checks

# Why follow up #18500 to support fabric on android # How - fabric component descriptor - build fabric code from *common/cpp/fabric* and *android/src/fabric* - to build fabric modules, we...

# Why fix standalone build for sdk 46 # How - `et android-build-packages` adds vendored modules *@shopify/react-native-skia* and *@shopify/flash-list* - add maven publish plugin for *@shopify/react-native-skia* and *@shopify/flash-list*. i don't...

bot: passed checks

# Why in expo sdk 44+ project, we opened formal swift integration. for swift to call objective-c functions, sometimes the `#import` format should be done right. learn more from https://github.com/expo/expo/issues/15622#issuecomment-997225774...

This is an umbrella task issue for iOS support. In theory, most of works could be shared from current Android version as V8 supports iOS and JSI runtime implementation is...


## Summary In Expo environment, we overwrite console log handlers and send logs to CLI terminal or Snack remote console. If users use `LogBox.ignoreLogs()` to suppress some logs, the log...

CLA Signed
Type: Enhancement
p: Expo
Shared with React Native Team

## Summary For brownfield apps, it is possible to have multiple hermes runtimes serving different JS bundles. Hermes inspector currently only supports single JS bundle. The latest loaded JS bundle...

CLA Signed
Type: Enhancement
p: Expo
Shared with React Native Team

# Why POC to fix missing EXReactNativeEventEmitter in remote debugging mode # How # Test Plan # Checklist - [ ] Documentation is up to date to reflect these changes...

bot: suggestions