Kudo Chien

Results 52 issues of Kudo Chien

# Why fix nightlies build error: https://github.com/expo/expo/runs/20922842104 # How since https://github.com/facebook/react-native/pull/42617, the `PackagerConnectionSettings.getInspectorServerHost()` was removed. this pr adds the derived class without `getInspectorServerHost()` for react-native 0.74. # Test Plan -...

bot: passed checks
bot: fingerprint changed

# Why updates e2e tests are broken https://expo.dev/accounts/expo-ci/projects/updates-e2e/builds/ee1a090b-f346-443e-a067-875fa95cb7db because of detox ANR detector ``` 05:26:47.483 detox[8585] i Application nonresponsiveness detected! On Android, this could imply an ANR alert, which evidently...

bot: passed checks
bot: fingerprint changed

# Why fix nightlies build error: https://github.com/expo/expo/actions/runs/7910535856 # How relevant changes: - https://github.com/facebook/react-native/commit/12e4a5745d54a7be86c005e4ed954c42171541b2 - https://github.com/facebook/react-native/commit/239f9bf7eba6122ffacab2e1cdc3525bcb4174e4 # Test Plan - ci passed - nightlies testing: https://github.com/expo/expo/actions/runs/7921484497 # Checklist - [x] Documentation...

bot: passed checks
bot: fingerprint changed

# Why # How # Test Plan # Checklist - [ ] Documentation is up to date to reflect these changes (eg: https://docs.expo.dev and README.md). - [ ] Conforms with...

bot: suggestions
bot: fingerprint changed

# Why test-suite ios testing is not stable. # How ~partially revert #27029 that still run testing on macos-12 runner~ trying to re-run failed job automatically # Test Plan ci...

bot: passed checks
bot: fingerprint changed

# Why supersede #26524 to fix the error when running an app with both expo-dev-client and expo-updates (on latest main branch). # How add runtimeVersion from Expo.plist and strings.xml. #...

bot: passed checks
bot: fingerprint changed

## Summary: Add synchronous JSI installation for TurboModules on Android. That would help some 3rd party JSI based modules to get the `jsi::Runtime` on bridgeless mode. The iOS implementation will...

CLA Signed
p: Expo
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try to fix dead locks and performance improvement

## Summary: Add the `ReactMarkerConstants.CONTENT_APPEARED` support on Android in bridgeless mode. This is an important marker for TTI measurement. ## Changelog: [ANDROID] [ADDED] - Add the `ReactMarkerConstants.CONTENT_APPEARED` support on Android...

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p: Expo
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# Why fixes #38 # How introduce a new `v8-android-jit-nointl-nosnapshot` variant