
Results 108 comments of Juuz

Okay, the original analysis might not be 100% correct. Current behaviour: - `Slot.onStackChanged` is still not a general stack change handler. - It's called from `transferSlot` implementations for output slots...

This still applies to `onCrafted`, so reopening.

Also, `MathHelper.getLerpProgress(value, from, to)` can be considered normalising a number from a range `from..to` to 0..1. (Processing calls this [`norm`](https://processing.org/reference/norm_.html) for that reason.) Though I'm not sure whether renaming it...

Ugh, this is completely inconsistent in both unobf names and in-game strings... - Enum value: `Hand.OFF_HAND` - Translations: - "Swap Item With Offhand" but also "When in Off Hand:" -...

I'd say this is quite impactful too, since it affects any mod doing rendering with `VertexConsumer`.

The current package setup is confusing and i5's proposal is better IMO. For example, why are hostile mobs in `entity.mob` but passive ones in `entity.passive`? Changing hostile mobs into their...

Strings in `LootTable` and `LootContextTypes` seem to call this a "loot table param(eter) set". Maybe `LootParameterSet` could be an option?

Possibly, but it could be confused with the holder class of the vanilla `LootContextParameter` instances, which is called `LootContextParameter`. (These parameters are also the ones contained in the param sets)

The registry (of `StatusEffect`s) is called `mob_effect`.

`StatusEffect` vs `StatusEffectType` vs `StatusEffectCategory` would match `Entity` vs `EntityType` vs `EntityCategory`, as well as `BlockEntity` vs `BlockEntityType`. Also, what sort of a name is `InfoEnchantment` 🤔