
Results 108 comments of Juuz

Yeah, it looks like Sodium causes this. I think it's related to jellysquid3/sodium-fabric#38 -- there's not much I can do.

Reopening this since it's good for actually keeping track of the issue.

1. Which versions of Minecraft and Adorn are you using? 2. Does this happen with vanilla woods or modded woods? The item to unlock kitchen sink recipes, for example, are...

> It returns a 3D vector with numbers -1 OR 0 OR 1 for each component of the 3D vector to indicate what direction the fluid should flow towards. This...

Note that Fabric Loader gives an unexpected semver for the version since its code is based on 20w13b, not 20w14a: https://github.com/FabricMC/fabric-loader/blob/6adfe08efeb04c8dde829053e3cc546c01ef8415/minecraft/src/main/java/net/fabricmc/loader/impl/game/minecraft/McVersionLookup.java#L505-L507 Not sure why FAPI uses a different one.

https://github.com/FabricMC/fabric-loom/blob/ffe5e955c5d908b8ab14f157b273e4a582d7dd0a/src/main/java/net/fabricmc/loom/configuration/ifaceinject/InterfaceInjectionProcessor.java#L184-L200 Hmm, it definitely does filter based on the jar being both in compile and runtime classpaths

IMO it's too slow since running `gradlew checkstyleMain checkstyleTestmod` (or even just the main one) builds all modules and that takes a while even with `--parallel`.

https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6596629/190686548-5d0b2b33-5163-47b3-9ae4-f8b2f28d00da.mp4 This is how it works in vanilla when interacting with the only fluid container, cauldrons

https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6596629/190688951-3ec098c0-3642-425d-b1c2-257d64076619.mp4 No duplicates

Is the fact that the new condition defaults to items actually documented somewhere? I'd say that's important info for users, as well as the format of the condition (which I...