
Results 108 comments of Juuz

Yes, FLK works on any Minecraft version since it actually has no code referencing MC.

> I have only been able to find an issue with Fabric API's maven setup publishing empty jar files? I'd note that this is also a completely separate issue.

> As Prospector said, there's currently no easy way to modify entries via code. Adding a new pool with same result won't work since there will be duplicates. https://youtu.be/9zXBNFLADGg @deirn...

> Wouldn't that require a way to not modify "manual" loot tables? Yeah, and that's an issue with the loot api in general; see [Fabricord #api](https://discord.com/channels/507304429255393322/566276937035546624/937655207918178314). > Can't we use...

Have you also installed FLK in the mc launcher mods directory? It needs to be there as well. (And preferably in your fabric.mod.json's `depends` section as well)

You just need to download the FLK jar and put in it `mods` like any other mod.

I'm against this change. - The current "flat" tag system has been widely used for multiple MC versions without any real issues. Most mods won't have so many tags that...

Not a solution for the long files, but you can rewrite `$` as `\u0024` in JSON files to prevent `processResources` from trying to expand it.

Yes, but this has nothing to do with Groovy but Gradle's task failing to process json files with unrelated `$` in them