
Results 6 issues of JinXiangLai

C++版本的 boxes.size()是0,检测不到任何物体是怎么回事呢?

data_root: /home/andreas/data/gpd/bigbird_pcds/ objects_file_location: /home/andreas/data/gpd/bigbird_pcds/objects.txt output_root: /home/andreas/data/gpd/models/test/ Actually, I can't find the data listed above,could you please send them to my email:[email protected]

I want to show a cloud whith it's normals, my code is: `viewer1 = pcl.visualization.PCLVisualizer( 'cloud_normal viewer' ) viewer1.addPointCloud( cloud ) viewer1.addPointCloudNormals( cloud,cloud_normals ) viewer1.addCoordinateSystem( 1.0 ) while( not viewer1.wasStopped()...

Pclpy has done me a great favor, I really thanks for your hard work! Hope it's new version will come out soon. And there is a question that pclpy miss...

Hello, I'm following your job. I find a potential bug in the System.cpp file on line 311 and line 315 to 321. Because we have considered the situation of TrackerTrackFromFrameToKf...