Coleman Gariety

Results 71 comments of Coleman Gariety

@rvagg So the first element in the passed array should replace, and the subsequent elements should be appended after?

@rvagg but `replaceChild` only replaces a single element. And in theory, replacing the first one and appending the subsequent ones after the first would be identical, no? ``` $('foo')replaceWith(['', ''])...

+1 .setSelectorEngine feels a bit jacky to use outside of an Ender bridge.

I only write this as an issue here since I've attached an `on('error')` to every stream in my server, yet memory continues to leak. Perhaps a stream is getting left...

@sindresorhus I'm also pretty interested in this and willing to write/document a pull request. @mbrevda what did you find out? Did you try to implement this yourself? did you encounter...

I know this isn't the w3m list, but did anyone figure anything out regarding this? For the moment the combination of `urxvt` + `xft antialiasing` + `w3m` causes this same...

I haven't used winston, sorry. EDIT: I'm not sure how winston works but logs should automatically be interpolated into the gulp-nodemon stream. If you mean writing gulp-nodemon output to disk,...

@asaf-romano nodemon doesn't have a change event by itself, so nodemon needs the `stdout: true` in order to work properly. What we could do is add a feature to filter...

@ryexley do they both start, and only second one's log forwards to node? Or does only the second one start?