Coleman Gariety

Results 71 comments of Coleman Gariety

@hofmannsven is correct but there ought to be a better way. I'll look into this.

I don't use Espresso so the editor isn't very high on my priority list. You can convert the sublime theme into Espresso and submit a pull request if you'd like.

@spolu perfect, thanks, I figured it was something like this.

Isn't the file `~/.netrc`? Didn't know the `_` worked. Try renaming it?

@rebornix that's interesting, I don't have an `_netrc` file. What version of the `netrc` gem do you have installed? Maybe I just need to bump it.

@rebornix can you do this for me? Open a ruby shell. run: `n =` then `puts n[""]` Let me know what that says.

@rebornix oops, I suppose one needs to: `require "netrc"` first

@ColbyAley Two-factor authentication.

@evantravers @ColbyAley played around with this for ~45 minutes and can't get it working. I make the request, it throws 401, but my phone never receives a text with a...