Coleman Gariety

Results 71 comments of Coleman Gariety

@binarykitchen I can no longer repro this; maybe it was fixed in a pull or with an update to nodemon? I'll leave this open for a bit so see if...

@kweiberth can anyone give me steps to reproduce? It does't seem to happen on my system. This is the most pervasive issue with the project at the moment so it...

@deterralba is this issue present in latest gulp-nodemon? workaround has been merged.

@Yuioup I don't have a windows system. Would you try removing the `stdio: []` part and see if you get some feedback on the console when that line is reached?

@Beanow very interesting bug. I can't reproduce this, can you give me some detailed steps or is it jsut sporadic?

Not 100% sure I understand the reasons for shimming nodemon's `emit` at this point. The test works fine without the shim and you can wrap the `emit` in a `setTimeout`....

@jasonmerino can you use the `.on('restart')` event that gets emitted? Sounds like for your purposes it'd work fine.

@jasonmerino I haven't forgotten about this. Gulp isn't 'restarting' every time, it's simply spawning a new gulp instance as a child of the parent process. So I'm not exactly sure...

I'm using `gulp-file cache` for this one, for future reference. What we could do is add some feature to `gulp-nodemon` and automatically forward cache info to the child process! So...

@ertwroc would you mind rebasing and resolving merge conflicts?