Coleman Gariety

Results 71 comments of Coleman Gariety

@ryexley @robertklep I'll take a look this weekend.

I mentioned remy in a comment regarding this issue in nodemon itself, so hopefully it'll get resolved soon.

@remy thanks, Remy, if you make a branch on nodemon for this issue I'll pull it and try to help out.

@remy could this be fixed by running nodemon as a child process?

@remy any updated on this in nodemon 1.3.0? I'm getting ready to publish a new version of gulp-nodemon to npm.

@remy need any help? I don't start school for three weeks so I've got a bit of free time on my hands.

@gtanner my original intention was to focus all the "executions" around the gulpfile. If you wanted to run a non-node script, you'd use `child_process.exec` within a gulp task. If I...

Try this solution contributed by @markstos: ``` javascript gulp.task('run', ['default', 'watch'], function() { var nodemon = require('gulp-nodemon'), spawn = require('child_process').spawn, bunyan nodemon({ script: paths.server, ext: 'js json', ignore: [ 'var/',...

But that is way too complicated. It would be nice to be able to do something like this: ``` javascript nodemon().pipe( ``` EDIT: tagged 'enhancement'

Yes, I've noticed this. It has something to do with how nodemon gets handled under the hood, and is fundamental to gulp-nodemon's success. I'm going to put this on hold...