
Results 18 comments of Isy232

I believe it would be fair to make the update take 1 minute as I don't really think the crew monitor should be used to prevent murders from occuring. Rather...

> Validhunting is not allowed per the rules. Stop using it as an excuse to nerf things into the ground. The warden has a monitoring console in his office he...

> This would make sensors almost uselss for anything besides locating people that died and were not murderd. I dont think thats a good idea. Well, the goal is to...

Great, now monkeys dont look so obviously 2 dimensional

Very good, makes it possible for my nukeop strategy to not be to rush a comms console and construct it on the nukeop shuttle to prevent an instant recall. >It's...

As Teoman says, the RD starts with all of the things to make a roundstart AI in his office. AI players will merely be inconvenienced by 5 minutes. This also...

I get that miners like their job being made easier, but I feel this will trivialize lavaland. If transport between the station and lavaland becomes instantaneous, there is no distance...

Alright, I understand your other points, but. > Gateway can be destroyed by luring megafauna to the base to smash it. It's not invincible. Maybe add another method to disable...

> I don't like the idea specifically because it's motivated as a huge buff to cult while you're framing it like I'm trying to nerf them... In my opinion this...

Alright, I had a talk, I'm happy with this now. My concern was based on mining base cults being nerfed too hard by having instant transport to that location. Now...