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Multi-sample somatic variant caller

Results 11 needlestack issues
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When running the example data test, got an error message saying that "Nextflow DSL1 is no longer supported — Update your script to DSL2, or use Nextflow 22.10.x or earlier"....

Hi, i am trying to run the program using: ``` nextflow run iarcbioinfo/needlestack -with-docker --bed bed/SOPHIA_targetregions_hg19.bed --input_bams bam/SOPHIA/ --ref ref/ucsc.hg19.fasta --output_vcf output/SOPHIA_needlestack.vcf ``` The bed file is sorted, the bam...

Hi there, Do you have any advice about running needlestack on a large number of samples on google cloud? Any chance you have a config already for it? Do all...

We should adapt our CircleCI tests to the new 2.0 version. Follow the [guidelines](, and take example of their [webinars]( With 2.0, the CircleCi yaml file would not be `circle.yml`...


Adding the `--no-BAQ` in `samtools mpileup` causes: > Disable probabilistic realignment for the computation of base alignment quality (BAQ). BAQ is the Phred-scaled probability of a read base being misaligned....

help wanted

Add more description on the executed command, e.g. output also: * --map_qual and --base_qual thresholds * working directory path


Could you please find alternate name shortenings for allelic fraction and allele frequency instead of AF for both? Thanks :)

help wanted

Currently the `--output_vcf` parameter can only be the name of the file and not the full path (see and!topic/nextflow/ctLboXGPdwI), and the path can be given using `--output_folder`. The...


The bed process does not have any input specified but still accesses to file specified by the params. This I think is dangerous, normally files used in the script are...