Results 5 issues of HILOK

@rkusa just a thought for consideration, while you are reviewing the lua code : ) what about a feature that automatically adds ATIS broadcast to every field on a map?...

hi rkusa, just wanted to bring to your attention that apparently DATIS doesn't register lines in the SITUATION BRIEFING, if appended at the end of long briefing texts such as...

hi, i noticed that L/R runway identifiers are read as 'L' and 'R', as opposed to "left" and "right". am i doing sth wrong? while here may i suggest adding...

is there another way than renaming the carrier unit in order to provide a carrier based wx broadcast? -problem is in dcs_liberation every unit has a specific name to it...

hi there, thanks so much for doing this. great way to give old sim hardware a second life. any chance go-flight products could also be supported in the future? i...

future improvement?