Results 7 comments of HILOK

glad to hear that 😊 yep had also the concern that it might take too much resources. but this could be mitigated by narrowing the selection of fields instead of...

on the contrary, i think it would make things easier for the devs or campaign creators, but we would have to ask them to be sure... the typical DCS user...

**>ATIS Nellis 251, ACTIVE departure 03 right and arrival 21 right** thanks, didnt know that. -maybe you could add this to the examples on the main page? **>Changing the them...

that would be great! i hope DATIS could find its way into liberation some day : ) thanks

hi, thanks for your interest! i thought GF were back in business after covid, but apparently not. with respect to cheap panels, last time i checked, you could get some...

thanks for getting back on that topic. not sure what you mean by sink hole... so, you got yourself a panel, and it's not working?

my guess is that this is/was a 2-man show. iirc there was a statement on their website that the team was getting back together after personal issues and the pandemic,...